Angela M. Chamberlain, M.A, CPDT-KA, PLPC
Waynesville, MO. 65583
Ph.D. Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, Clinical Psychology
Masters of Arts Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA,
Clinical Psychology
Master of Arts Webster University, St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Science Drury University, Springfield, MO
Biology, Psychology, Sociology
Chaland K9, LLC, Waynesville, MO.
Position: Owner/Professional Dog Trainer
7/2023 - present
Provide skills training and behavior modification for puppies, adolescent dogs, and adult dogs.
Provide training interventions for the treatment of separation anxiety, dog-dog aggression, dog-human aggression, fearfulness, basic manners, advanced manners, competition obedience, narcotics detection, scent work, protection training, Rally-O, herding, Treiballing, and other dog sports.
Provide training services to groups and individuals via classes and private sessions, and/or in-home sessions.
Maintain client records.
Pursue continuing education, at least 36 hours of continuing education every 3 years.
Provide culturally competent services to meet the unique cultural needs of each individual or family.
Create and routinely evaluate treatment plans with persons served.
Maintain knowledge of area dog professionals to provide referrals as needed.
Program Development
Client Assessment and Progress Evaluations
Chaland’s All Dogs Academy, LLC, Waynesville, MO.
Position: Owner/Professional Dog Trainer
Provide skills training and behavior modification for puppies, adolescent dogs, and adult dogs.
Provide training interventions for the treatment of separation anxiety, dog-dog aggression, dog-human aggression, fearfulness, basic manners, advanced manners, competition obedience, narcotics detection, scent work, protection training, Rally-O, herding, Treiballing, and other dog sports.
Provide training services to groups and individuals via classes and private sessions, and/or in-home sessions.
Maintain client records.
Pursue continuing education, at least 36 hours of continuing education every 3 years.
Provide culturally competent services to meet the unique cultural needs of each individual or family.
Create and routinely evaluate treatment plans with persons served.
Maintain knowledge of area dog professionals to provide referrals as needed.
Program Development
Client Assessment and Progress Evaluations
Springfield MO Dog Training Club, Springfield, MO
Position: Assistant Instructor
Training Directors: Margery West, Lorri Sheets, and Jane Collins
Assisted: Margery West, Darlene Hughson, Susan Gilbert
2005-2007; 2016-2017
Provide skills training and behavior modification for puppies, adolescent dogs, and adult dogs.
Assist in training interventions for basic manners, advanced manners, competition obedience, and Rally-O.
Provide training services to groups via classes.
Maintain client records.
Accept Payment; review vet records; assist in fitting training collars.
Happiness, assertiveness, and stress level comparison between households with four or less dogs vs those with five or more dogs.
Drury University
Position: Principal Investigator, Study Coordinator, Data Collector, Primary Author
Supervising Faculty: Mary Beth Myers, PhD
Completed: 2010
Researched, analyzed, and critiqued scholarly journals and peer-reviewed articles related to dogs and stress level.
Completed Data Collection and Analysis.
Completed paper write-up.
Scent Detection in the Domestic Canine.
Drury University
Position: Principal Investigator, Study Coordinator, Data Collector, Primary Author
Supervising Faculty: Casey, M.S.
Completed: 2010
Researched, analyzed, and critiqued scholarly journals and peer-reviewed articles related to dogs and scent detection.
Completed article write-up.
Mudi Club of America 2021-Present
American Working Malinois Association 2021-Present
German Shorthair Pointer Club of America 2020-Present
American Working Dog Association 2020-Present
Missouri Canine Professional Network 2019-Present
American Belgian Laekenois Association 2019-Present
Protection Sport Association 2018-Present
Ozarks Working Dog Club 2017-Present
Puppy Culture (Puppy Culture Breeder) 2016-Present
American Belgian Malinois Club (ABMC) 2015-Present
Central States Herding Group Association 2018-2020
Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) 2008-2019
American Dutch Shepherd Association (ADSA) 2012-2019
Pulaski County Humane Society (PCHS) 2009-2020
Springfield MO Dog Training Club (SMDTC) 2005-2019
Rolla MO Kennel Club (RMKC) 2008-2012
Committee Member, American Belgian Malinois Club, Midwest Division, Meet the Breeds
Committee Chair, American Belgian Malinois Club, Juniors Committee 2020-Present
Rescue Transport Driver & Foster, Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue 2020 - Present
Founder, Missouri Canine Professional Network 2019-Present
Committee Member, American Belgian Malinois Club, Breeder’s Code of Ethics Committee
Secretary & Founder, Ozarks Working Dog Club 2017-Present
Midwest Columnist, The Performer, American Belgian Malinois Club 2017-Present
Rescue Transport Driver, American Belgian Malinois Rescue 2017-Present
Committee Member, Belgian Breeds Reunification Committee, American Belgian Malinois Club
Foster Person + Trainer @ Critter Camp, PCHS 2009-2020
Assistant Trainer, SMDTC 2005-2010; 2016-2018
Instructor/Assistant Schedule Person, SMDTC 2009-2010
Enrollment Secretary, SMDTC 2008-2009
Committee Member, Club Constitution & Bylaws Revision / Club Ethics Revision Committees, RMKC 2010
Secretary, RMKC 2009-2010
Public Education Coordinator, RMKC 2009-2010
Chair, Public Education Committee, RMKC 2009
Board Member, RMKC 2008-2009
*I have also served clubs by stewarding at their shows/trials (including Chief Ring Stewarding).
Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology 2019
Drury Alumni Association (Lifetime Member) 2010-Present
Alpha Sigma Lambda Lifetime Inductee 2008-Present
Drury University Departmental Recognition Award for Scholarly Achievement in Biology
April 2010
Drury University Graduate with Departmental Distinction in Psychology May 2010
CGCS Scholarship Recipient (multiple years)
AKC Fit Dog Level 1 Instructor 2020-Present
SARTECH III Certification, NASAR 2020-Present
AKC Temperament Test Judge 2019-Present
AKC Farm Dog Judge 2018- Present
APDT CLASS Instructor & Evaluator 2016-2017
Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) 2013 - Present
AKC Breeder’s Education Certificate 2009?-Present
AKC Canine Good Citizen/STAR Puppy/Trick Dog Evaluator 2009?-Present
Chamberlain, A. (2010). Scent detection in the domestic canine. Drury University.
Chamberlain, A. (2010). Happiness, Assertiveness, and Stress Level Comparison Between Households with Four or Less Dogs vs Those with Five or More Dogs. Drury University: St. Robert, MO.
Autistic Missing Persons: Search Strategies for Police and First Responders. Blue Bridge Training. February 2021.
20 hour Puppy and Young Dog HRD Fundamentals, HRD Specialized K9, Tennessee, January 2021
IS-00200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, FEMA, October 2020
IS-00800.d National Response Framework, An Introduction, FEMA, September 2020
IS-00700.b An Introduction to the National Incident Management System, FEMA, September 2020
IS-00100.c Introduction to Incident Command System, FEMA, September 2020
Aggressive Behavior with Dogs: Solutions and Strategies, E-Training for Dogs, November 2019
Why is Animal Welfare Important to Dogs?, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
Behavioral and Cognitive Differences Between Owned and Shelter Dogs, E-Training for Dogs, November 2019
Practical Ethology: Breeding Selection and Training Choices, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
Applying Modern Genetic Principles to Improve the Health of Dogs, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
The Role of Oxytocin in Human-Dog Relationships, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
Exploring Canine Attachment Behavior, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
Working with Aggressive Dog Cases, E-Training for Dogs, October 2019
Herding Dog I & II Building the Foundation and Basic Skill Building, E-Training for Dogs, June 2019
Solving Separation Anxiety, E-Training for Dogs, September 2019
Dog Bite Prevention, Good Dog In A Box, September 2019
Pet First Aid and CPR, E-Training for Dogs, February 2016
Herbal Remedies and Aromatherapy, E-Training for Dogs, April 2016
Stefan Schaub Training Seminar, Audit, March 2017
Deadpool Decoy, Decoy Seminar, Audit, November 2019